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MJV Technology & Innovation

With over 23 years of experience, MJV Technology & Innovation helps leverage business, foster innovation, and solve business challenges for some of the world’s largest companies.

With offices spread across Europe, the United States, and Latin America, our consultancy has a multidisciplinary team composed of more than 800 professionals, including designers, engineers, anthropologists, data scientists, developers, entrepreneurs, advertisers, and journalists.

Our specialists aim to offer business intelligence to different market segments, proposing innovative solutions. Our DNA carries on collaborative work, Design Thinking, Agile Mindset and Sustainability, which guides our processes and projects.

MJV is structured around 4 pillars that work in complete synergy and always keep human-centricity at the forefront :

Technology Consulting

Development and implementation of personalized services in the areas of Business Analytics, IT and IoT (Internet of Things).


Outsourcing professionals

Allocation of PROFESSIONALS of UX, UI, Marketing and IT, with the strategic and operational monitoring of MJV, optimizing deliveries.

Digital Strategy

Development and implementation of corporate strategy and User Experience, positioning Digital Transformation as the guiding thread of the business.

Business Innovation

Development and implementation of innovative solutions, with the objective of reducing costs, increasing and generating new revenue streams, in addition to developing new business models.


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