Anti-fraud strategy
Scams like card cloning, counterfeit bills, data theft, irregular purchases are all too common. The fact is that fighting banking crimes is a daily challenge for financial institutions.
During the pandemic, fraudulent attacks have jumped up 70%. For all institutions, the sophistication of fraud is a problem that needs to be solved efficiently.
Thanks to Data Science, it‘s now possible to improve fraud management in real-time, with more effective results and increased customer satisfaction.
In this e-book, we’ll show you how Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning use data to identify new patterns of attacks quickly.
Download your free copy.

What will you see in this content?
Data Science for Fraud Prevention and Detection
Data processing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning. It is possible to use the data to identify attack patterns.
Fraud Fighting: Challenges
A lack of protection brings risks to institutions, like loss of credibility and being legally responsible for customer losses.
Pillars of Anti-Bank Fraud Strategy
Technology is a great ally to ensure that fraud monitoring is proactive rather than reactive.
Fraud Prevention Cycle
Data processing is the heart of the project! We've listed a step-by-step guide for creating a fraud prevention cycle.
AI & Machine Learning: A Powerful Pair
Discover examples of how Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning can boost your fraud detection.
Data & Analytics: the right choice for financial services
Fighting fraud requires a closer look at data analysis and monitoring. The challenge: doing it without compromising the quality of your customer experience!

The fact is that during the pandemic, fraud has increased by 70%. But there is still hope. It's called Data Science.
MJV Technology & Innovation
With over 23 years of experience, MJV Technology & Innovation helps leverage business,
foster innovation, and solve business challenges for some of the world’s largest companies.
With offices spread across Europe, the United States, and Latin America, our consultancy has a multidisciplinary team
composed of more than 800 professionals, including designers, engineers, anthropologists, data scientists,
developers, entrepreneurs, advertisers, and journalists.
Our specialists aim to offer business intelligence to different market segments, proposing
innovative solutions. Our DNA carries on collaborative work, Design Thinking, Agile Mindset and Sustainability,
which guides our processes and projects.
MJV is structured around 4 pillars that work in complete synergy and always keep
human-centricity at the forefront:
Technology Consulting
Development and implementation of personalized services in the areas of Business Analytics, IT, and Internet of Things (IoT).
Professional Outsourcing
Allocation of UX, UI, Marketing, and IT Professionals, with the strategic and operational monitoring of MJV, optimizing deliveries.
Digital Strategy
Development and Implementation of corporate strategy and User Experience, placing Digital Transformation as the guiding thread of the business
Business Innovation
Development and Implementation of innovative solutions to reduce costs, increase and generate new revenues, and develop new business models.
Development and implementation of positive impact solutions, considering aspects of the entire ecosystem, looking at business, people, and the planet.